The only difference between adventure and disaster is preparedness.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 3 Shopping Tips

It’s Tuesday, it’s HOT and it’s time for your Week 3 shopping list mission! So, if you’ve been faithfully reading and following my advice, you should now have containers, water, food and other various and sundry items (if you haven’t been faithfully reading, gasp, go back and do so at once!) So, now comes week 3 and it’s time for some more food to keep your family nourished in case of an emergency. As you roam the aisles in search of bargains this week, throw in these extra items for your emergency kit:

1 jar of jam or jelly
1 jar of peanut butter
1 box saltine crackers
1 large can of juice (and a manual can opener)
Instant coffee/tea/powdered drinks (hello TANG!)
4 cans of ready-to-eat soup

All of these won’t cost a fortune and will keep you fed when the lights are out. The amounts of food given are for a family of 3-4. Obviously, if your family is larger, you may want to consider more food. Unless…Donner…party of 8….?

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