The only difference between adventure and disaster is preparedness.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Won't you be our friend?

Won't you be our friend? We have finally been successful in creating a fan page and need to have some friends. Please go to our Fan Page and "like" us. Thank you!

1 comment:

brothers keeper said...

My first contact with CCEM was after the March Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan. As I began to think about that same scenario unfolding in our area I came to realize how unprepared I/we really are in the event of a major, or even minor disaster. I went to the local fire dept and they directed me and others to: Jennifer Engkraf
Emergency Management
Cowlitz County Sheriff's Office.
The rest is history, well sort of... Today we, a group of eight who saw the need to be better prepared for "NOT IF, BUT WHEN" it happens will be better equipped to help others if not only ourselves. We finished a CERT course that will help us to be a asset in OUR community rather then a liability, WHEN the need arises. And I can assure you as the Sun will rise tomorrow it's "NOT IF,BUT WHEN".
I am deeply move with appreciation and grateful for all those who gave and continue to give to help save lives, answer emergency calls, train others, put out fires in the middle of the night 24-7-365. So the rest of us can have something that resembles a "normal life". I would encourage others who are perhaps not prepared to do a very thoughtful inventory of HOW PREPARED ARE YOU? When you pick up the phone to call 911 and you don't get a dial tone IT WILL BE TO LATE TO PREPARE!

Thank You to all who are helping me to help others. Especially Jennifer Engkraf and the Kalama Fire Dept. I am my brothers keeper! Bruce Odem