The only difference between adventure and disaster is preparedness.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month

No foolin', today begins Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month, as declared by Governor Gregoire. The focus for this month is earthquake safety. On April 21st from 9:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. schools and businesses across Washington will participate in a state-wide Drop, Cover, Hold drill. For more information on the drill or other disaster preparedness information, click here.


tonyb said...

When it comes to our property, what do we expect in case of loss (hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, etc.)? The disaster itself is news. What happens after the dust settles is the story: the aftermath shock. Here is something the public should know. With a little curiosity, you the insurance policyholder can mitigate that shock.

You need to be informed of access to your basic rights and vital information--even footing--equality. The internet reaches far more people than anyone would have ever imagined, though difficult to gather those willing to pause, to inspect, to think on their own. And yet, much is available gratis! It just takes looking:

pharmacy said...

wonderful, I would like to read more about it because it can be so good