The only difference between adventure and disaster is preparedness.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Statewide Earthquake Drill

April is Disaster Preparedness Month for Washington State and this year the focus is on Earthquake Awareness. Why? Watch the news, I am confident you'll figure it out. There will be a statewide Drop, Cover, Hold drill on Wednesday, April 21st at 9:45 a.m. All of our local schools and several local businesses will be participating this year. You can also be certain that I will be under my desk at 9:45 on that day too. (Who am I kidding...I'd probably be under there anyway hiding from my boss.) It may seem like a silly exercise, but you would be surprised how many normally sane adults will run outside screaming during an earthquake because the proper actions don't immediately spring to mind. That's why practicing what to do every once in awhile is a good idea. It's like parallel parking, you should brush up on it from time to time so that when you visit a large city and that particular method of parking is your only option, you don't look like an idiot and end up crying and parking 4 miles away. Not that I've done that. For a reminder of drop, cover and hold procedures, click here. For an article about the benefits of drop, cover, hold vs. "triangle of life," click here. For an important preparedness reminder, click here.


Anonymous said...

Is the local radio stations going to to an announcement just before, on April 21st? Have not heard about this on the radio. Thanks for the post.

tonyb said...

Prepared 1. properly equipped; ready: prepared for a disaster.

When it comes to our property, what do we expect in case of loss (hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, etc.)? The disaster itself is news. What happens after the dust settles is the story: the aftermath shock. Here is something the public should know. With a little curiosity, you the insurance policyholder can mitigate that shock.

You need to be informed of access to your basic rights and vital information--even footing--equality. The internet reaches far more people than anyone would have ever imagined, though difficult to gather those willing to pause, to grasp. And yet, much is available gratis! It just takes looking: