The only difference between adventure and disaster is preparedness.

Friday, May 1, 2015

It's Volcano Awareness Month!

Happy Volcano Awareness Month!  I hope you've all sent out your Volcano Awareness Month cards and finished your Volcano Awareness Month shopping. 

Here are some "fun" facts from the USGS:

•Washington’s five large volcanic cones (Mount Baker, Glacier Peak, Mount Rainier, Mount Adams, and Mount St.  Helens) are presently not erupting, but are considered active because of the recentness of eruptions, and the long-term presence of earthquakes and thermal features.
•During the last 4,000 years, eruptions at Cascade volcanoes—from Washington State to northern California—happened at an average of once or twice a century, with individual eruptions lasting for months, years, and even decades.

•Seven volcanoes in the Cascade Range have erupted since 1776; four of these eruptions would have caused substantial damage and loss of life if they occurred today.

•As the population increases in the Pacific Northwest, areas near volcanoes are being developed and recreational usage is expanding, putting more people and property at risk from volcanic activity. 

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