The only difference between adventure and disaster is preparedness.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cool Thing of the Week!

It's not really a thing, it's an idea and it's mostly for the ladies in the house. The cool thing to do this week is to make sure you have a pair of sturdy, sensible shoes in your car. During the week I wear shoes such as the ones pictured. Yes, I just took that picture this morning. I like wearing heels when I'm working because they make me feel like a Fancy Business Lady Who Knows Things (FBLWKT™) as opposed to what I generally look like which is a Tired Mommy Whose Shirt is Inside Out (TMWSIO™).

It's all well and good to sport fabulous and not remotely sensible footwear, but you should always have a backup in case your car breaks down and you have to walk, you have to evacuate and might be away from comfortable shoes for a long-time or if you find that you have to outrun zombies when the zombie apocalypse dawns. So, find those old Reeboks that you keep in the back of your closet and throw them in your car's emergency kit.

Sure, a real lady can run in heels, but a really smart lady doesn't have to.

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