The only difference between adventure and disaster is preparedness.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Preparedness Shopping List Time!

We have hit the halfway mark in your Preparedness Shopping List Challenge! Today is Tuesday, it’s the 18th of August, and it’s Celebrate Bad Poetry Day! (I’m serious). In honor of this illustrious holiday, my shopping tips will be in iambic pentameter in the proverbial style of William Shakespeare.

Come, let DEM be your shopping guide
Your first item? Hydrogen Peroxide
Can be effective for stopping bleeding
If it is first aid you might be needing

Your next kit item is
The fam smelling nasty? No, they needn’t

Last thing to add ‘fore I bid thee adieu
You must purchase a bottle of shampoo
Can’t have greasy locks in emergencies
You might be on TV for the world to see!

Thank you, thank you…(dodging rotten tomatoes) If you do it right, your grand total could be less than five bucks. Now isn’t lessening the threat of gangrene, smelling fresh and having shiny hair worth that? I should hope so. Throw ‘em in your kit and call it a day.

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