July 7th, 2011 by Juliana Weiss-Roessler Posted in Career Advice, In the Workplace
When you’re headed into the office for another day behind your desk, emergency preparedness is probably the last thing on your mind. Unfortunately, disasters can strike at any time, and you always need to be ready. Places of business are required to have some emergency procedures in place - an evacuation plan, a first aid kit - but there are many ways to be prepared that companies ignore… and things you can do for yourself at work to make sure you’re ready.
Red Cross training courses.
If your company doesn’t already have a program set up for you to learn first aid/CPR/AED, talk to your HR representative about setting one up. Your local chapter of the Red Cross should have a wealth of options for different programs and training courses like the Red Cross Ready Rating Program, which is free to businesses, schools, and organizations!
Your other disaster supply kit.
Everyone knows you should have one at home, but if you don’t have one for work, get one. It needs to be kept in a single container, and small enough that you can just grab it and go in case you need to evacuate the building. The kit should include three days worth of essential food, water, and emergency supplies like Band-aids, pain relievers, a flashlight with extra batteries, and a blanket. It’s also not a bad idea to keep a supply kit in the car as well, which should also include flares, jumper cables, and any weather-related supplies you might need for the car.
The evacuation plan is your friend.
Read it, learn it, know it. Take special note of the exit routes for your building and where fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and stairways are located along the path. If your company somehow doesn’t have an evacuation plan, offer to make one. The best way to know it is to create it yourself.
Carry an emergency card at all times.
This should include your name and list of important contact numbers in case of emergency. Let’s face it, with cell phones many of us don’t know more than a few phone numbers anymore, and we don’t know if cells will work in an emergency, so a written list has taken on even more importance.
Above all, be practical.
Women who wear high-heeled shoes to work should keep a pair of comfortable flat shoes at their desk. Don’t let your water rations run low and expect that you’ll just be able to fill
up at sinks and water fountains. Don’t prepare anything that’s even close to being perishable. And absolutely be mindful of the season and create your emergency kits and plans accordingly.
Read more: http://www.resumark.com/blog/juliana/5-tips-for-emergency-preparedness-at-work/#ixzz1SlSFxYjJ
When you’re headed into the office for another day behind your desk, emergency preparedness is probably the last thing on your mind. Unfortunately, disasters can strike at any time, and you always need to be ready. Places of business are required to have some emergency procedures in place - an evacuation plan, a first aid kit - but there are many ways to be prepared that companies ignore… and things you can do for yourself at work to make sure you’re ready.
Red Cross training courses.
If your company doesn’t already have a program set up for you to learn first aid/CPR/AED, talk to your HR representative about setting one up. Your local chapter of the Red Cross should have a wealth of options for different programs and training courses like the Red Cross Ready Rating Program, which is free to businesses, schools, and organizations!
Your other disaster supply kit.
Everyone knows you should have one at home, but if you don’t have one for work, get one. It needs to be kept in a single container, and small enough that you can just grab it and go in case you need to evacuate the building. The kit should include three days worth of essential food, water, and emergency supplies like Band-aids, pain relievers, a flashlight with extra batteries, and a blanket. It’s also not a bad idea to keep a supply kit in the car as well, which should also include flares, jumper cables, and any weather-related supplies you might need for the car.
The evacuation plan is your friend.
Read it, learn it, know it. Take special note of the exit routes for your building and where fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and stairways are located along the path. If your company somehow doesn’t have an evacuation plan, offer to make one. The best way to know it is to create it yourself.
Carry an emergency card at all times.
This should include your name and list of important contact numbers in case of emergency. Let’s face it, with cell phones many of us don’t know more than a few phone numbers anymore, and we don’t know if cells will work in an emergency, so a written list has taken on even more importance.
Above all, be practical.
Women who wear high-heeled shoes to work should keep a pair of comfortable flat shoes at their desk. Don’t let your water rations run low and expect that you’ll just be able to fill
Read more: http://www.resumark.com/blog/juliana/5-tips-for-emergency-preparedness-at-work/#ixzz1SlSFxYjJ
This is a picture of my unquestionably fabulous footwear today! However fabulous they may be, they are not practical for running or walking long distances. Really, they are not practical or necessary for anything except making me happy, that's why I ALWAYS have a pair of tennis shoes nearby!
What If You Lost it All?
Preparedness, not panic or fear, are the operative words.
I lost my house to careless people (a campfire on a windy day) in the Malibu Corral Fire in 2007. People need to prepare for the financial and insurance-related impacts of calamitous events including fires, hurricanes, explosions, earthquakes, floods, thefts, and other unpredictable emergencies. In hind sight, I wish I had done a home inventory!
Here’s a link to a DocuHome home inventory and it’s free...
After my tragedy, it has been my mission to help homeowners around the nation and world not to take unnecessary risks. Most homeowners don’t realize... “A Claim is Only as Strong as the Inventory List.”
BTW, Insurance companies don’t just give you a check if you suffer a loss.
Hello!! This is a really informative and useful article. I'd like to appreciate your effort and I think your blog can be helpful for all kinds of emergency kits. I came across your article today while I was searching for ideas regarding a 72 hour kit for emergencies such as road accidents and tornadoes. I really liked the way you've listed bug out bag items clearly and this will definitely help me.
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